Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hard Hike

Sunday 11th and a hard hike to brush the cobwebs away. A little known walk, we only came across a handful of people on the whole route. Starting off in Fanling, it was up, up and, er ... up. The mountain in the background is where we're headed.

(Below) Stopping for a breather on top of an old British Army bunker dug into the hillside.

(Below) The top ... still a long way off ...

Despite the sun, there was a good breeze on top that helped keep the temperature down.

(Below) Cliff makes it to the top marker first - naturally.

The way down towards Yuen Long area ...mostly ridge walking with a fairly steep drop each side. Here the haze and pollution was most obvious as the sun moved lower into the sky as the day went on.

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